COVID-19 Operations Update

Effective as of 08/12/2021

At UKRFCU, the health of our members, employees, and the community is our top priority. UKRFCU continues to closely monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) conditions. We are closely monitoring the guidance provided by health officials of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as following the State and Federal Government regulations. Please continue to check this page for our latest updates and information.

How to Manage In-Person Transactions

In response to concerns raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, UKRFCU is taking measures to ensure our members and employees are protected while we continue to provide access to member accounts.

For Branch Hours of Operation please visit: Locations & Hours Page

In-Person Transactions (Lobby Visits) 

Somerton and Fairmount Branch:

The City of Philadelphia announced an indoor mask mandate throughout the city. In accordance with the mandate, UKRFCU has updated its health and safety protocols. All members and staff will be required to wear a mask when visiting this UKRFCU location.

All other branches:

In accordance with CDC guidance and state and local regulations, members and visitors who are fully vaccinated may enter UKRFCU without a face mask or face shield. Proof of vaccination is not required. Individuals who are not vaccinated strongly encourage to wear a face mask.

Drive-Thru Access (Somerton Branch Only)

Members can conduct all of their transactions without leaving their vehicle.


We encourage members to schedule an appointment with a UKRFCU representative to discuss lending opportunities by visiting: We will make every effort to meet with walk-in members. Please speak with the Branch Manager about your needs.

The safety of our Members and Employees is of the highest priority

Подаємо наші оновлені години роботи –

Індивідуальні операції (відвідування філій)

Somerton і Fairmount філія

Маски необхідно носити.

Всі інші філії

Згідно з керівництвом CDC та державними та місцевими нормами, члени та відвідувачі, які повністю вакциновані, можуть заходети до філій UKRFCU без маски. Підтвердження вакцинації не потрібно. Особи, які не щеплені, рекомендовано носити маску для обличчя.

Доступ через Drive-Thru (лише у Somerton Branch)

Повідомляємо вас, що на Somerton філії ви можете провести всі ваші банківські операції, не виходячи з машини. 


Щоб зустрітись з кредитним персоналом UKRFCU, просимо призначити зустріч, відвідавши веб-сторінку:

Manage Your Finances from Your Fingertips

Remember to take advantage of our Online and Mobile Banking services. If you are not currently enrolled in Online and Mobile Banking through UKRFCU, this is an excellent time to consider doing so. Our online tools allow you to:

  • Check your account balances instantly. Learn more about Online Banking.
  • Pay all your bills from one place. Learn more about Bill Pay.
  • Deposit your checks. Learn more about Mobile Deposit.
  • Transfer funds securely. Learn more about External Transfers or Popmoney.
  • Budget your spending and savings. Learn more about Money Management.
  • View statements. Learn more about eStatements.
  • Add your cards onto your smartphone. Learn more about Digital Wallet.
  • Make Credit Card and loan payments in Online Banking or by calling us at 215-725-4430.
  • And much more

Should you need any assistance with setting up or using these services or others, please call us at 215-725-4430 and a UKRFCU representative will be happy to assist you. To help protect you against fraud, UKRFCU will NOT call you to set up Online Banking.

Loan Services Updates

  • We continue to experience delays with USPS – resulting in late payments and other processing issues. We encourage all members to utilize digital services to make payments whenever possible.
  • If you have become impacted by COVID-19 and you are concerned about how to make your loan payments, please contact us at 215-725-4430 to discuss your payment options.
  • Our Team is working diligently to process all current loan applications. We are working with our partners (appraisers, title companies and others) as quickly as we can. However, we anticipate some delays.
  • Due to the changing economic environment, please call us to receive the most accurate currently available interest rate. Fixed Rate mortgage loans will receive a rate lock ONLY when the loan has received a PRE-APPROVAL from an underwriter.

The above is subject to change.

Protect Yourself Against Fraud

Please remain vigilant with possible e-mail scams and fraudulent activity at this time. Scammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding COVID-19. Here are some tips to help you keep the scammers at bay:

  • Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know. It could download a virus onto your computer or device. Make sure the anti-virus software on your computer is up to date.
  • Watch for emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or experts saying that have information about the virus. For the most up-to-date information about the Coronavirus, visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Ignore online offers for vaccinations.
  • Do your homework when it comes to donations, whether through charities or crowdfunding sites. If someone wants donations in cash, by gift card, or by wiring money, don’t do it.

If you come across any suspicious claims, report them to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at

Take Steps to Protect Yourself

Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for the latest information on COVID-19.