Protect what is valuable!

Safe Deposit Boxes offer privacy and security to store your valuables. They are fire, water, and theft-resistant. UKRFCU offers a variety of box sizes with affordable pricing. Use your Safe Deposit Box to store items that would be difficult or impossible to replace, like important documents, valuables, or other items of great personal significance. Safe Deposit Boxes exist at our:

  • Feasterville Branch
  • Somerton Branch


NOTE: Sizes and availability may vary by location*

Safe Deposit Box – Annual Fees

3″ x 5″ x 24″$45.00
5″ x 5″ x 24″$50.00
3″ x 10″ x 24″$55.00
5″ x 10″ x 24″$75.00
10″ x 10″ x 24″$125.00
Safe Deposit Drilling Fee$250.00
Safe Deposit Key Replacement$75.00

As of March 1, 2024. Subject to change without notice. Please contact UKRFCU for more details.

Keep your irreplaceable valuables safe by renting a Safe Deposit Box from Ukrainian Selfreliance FCU!

Additional Resources

two people shaking hands over an agreement

Lease Agreement

Read the Safe Deposit Box Lease Agreement.

icon of safety deposit box

Terminate Lease

Terminator your Safe Deposit Box lease agreement by filling out this form.