Loan Payoff

Are you ready to payoff your loan completely? Great! Save money in the long-term, stop paying interest, and become debt free! Fill out the form below to payoff one of these loans:

  • Consumer Mortgages
  • Auto Loans
  • Personal Loans
  • Home Equity Loans/Line of Credit
  • Commercial Loans
happy couple celebrating with a hug during a summer family bar-b-q

Payoff Options

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Submit Request Payoff Form:

Complete and submit the Request Payoff Form. One of our UKRFCU Representatives will get in contact with you with additional instructions.

mailing address icon ukrfcu
Mail in payoff payments:

Check should be made out to: UKRFCU. Please provide member name or account number along with the loan ID number that is to be paid off in the MEMO section on the check. Include the most up-to-date balance. For payment information please call us at 215-725-4430 Ext.502 or visit our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch to request the final payoff quote.

Direct your payoff checks to:

Loan Servicing Department
221 W. Street Road
Feasterville, PA 19053



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Wire payoff payments:

The wiring instructions are:

Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union
Routing Number: 236084832

Include the most up-to-date balance. Please provide member name and account number along with the loan ID number that is to be paid off.

Please call us at 215-725-4430 Ext.502 or visit our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch to request the final payoff quote.

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Visit a UKRFCU Branch:

Visit a UKRFCU Branch. Provide your member name and account number along with the loan ID number that you want to payoff. We will provide you the most up-to-date balance. You can pay via check or make a transfer.

Please call us at 215-725-4430 Ext.502 or visit our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch to request the final payoff quote.

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Transfer from a UKRFCU account (in-person or Online/Mobile Banking):

Visit a UKRFCU Branch. Provide your member name and account number along with the loan ID number that you want to payoff. We will provide you the most up-to-date balance. You can make a transfer from one of your UKRFCU accounts. You can also transfer funds via Online or Mobile Banking.

Please call us at 215-725-4430 Ext.502 or visit our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch to request the final payoff quote.

If you have any questions about the Request Payoff Form or processing the Loan Payoff, feel free to contact us at any time!


Once your mortgage is paid off, you will receive a Satisfaction Piece. This document shows that your loan has been paid in full and that UKRFCU no longer has a lien on your house. You are responsible for the fee to record the Satisfaction Piece.

After you have successfully paid off your loan with the mortgage satisfaction recording fee, we will notify the County Recorder of Deeds office to record the lien release on the property. Once we receive this document, you can pick it up from our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch or we will mail it to the address in our records. It typically takes about 30 to 60 days to receive this document.

Before paying off a Commercial or Residential loan, regardless of property location, please call us at 215-725-4430 Ext.502 or visit our Feasterville Administrative Center and Branch to request the final payoff quote.