2025 Annual Meeting
Save the Date – April 5, 2025
Every year the members of the Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union (UKRFCU) are called upon to elect individuals to serve on the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. These elections take place at the Credit Union’s Annual Meeting. Working as a Director affords a unique way to serve your credit union and its members. As a volunteer Director, you will be a vital part of major decision-making processes and will derive a great deal of satisfaction observing the results of your efforts.
Members interested in serving as a Director of the Credit Union are asked to complete the attached Qualifications and Statement of Willingness to Serve and to provide a brief statement of why they want to be a credit union director. This statement should describe their current involvement with the credit union; what they hope to contribute if elected; and what they hope to accomplish as a Director. Use this statement to show how you would work with the other directors and management team to benefit the membership. This package also includes a description of the duties and responsibilities of credit union Board members. Please review these guidelines to determine that you will be able to meet the demands of this volunteer position.
The credit union’s by-laws provide two ways to become a candidate for the Board of Directors:
- Candidates for the Board of Directors may be recruited by the Nominating Committee. If you would like to be considered for a Director position by the Nominating Committee please complete, sign, and submit the Qualifications Statement and supporting materials to the Nominating Committee no later than February 24, 2025 to ensure that the Nominating Committee has adequate time to review your Qualification Statement and supporting materials.
UPDATE: This process has been completed. The Nominating Committee has submitted its report that Roman Petyk and Anna Lewicky are candidates for the Director positions to be filled for a three-year term. Additionally, Anatoli Murha is nominated for a one-year term. - Candidates can also be nominated by the membership. You can become a candidate by signing and submitting the Qualifications Statement and the enclosed supporting materials along with a petition signed by at least 157 current members of the Credit Union (157 equals 1% of the membership as of December 31, 2024). Petitions, Qualification Statements and all supporting materials from members nominated by petition must be submitted no later than 1:00 PM on February 24, 2025.As provided in the Credit Union’s By-laws, the election of Directors will not be conducted by ballot when the number of nominees willing and able to serve is equal to the number of Board positions to be filled.
The Qualification Statement of candidates nominated by petition will be posted and will also be distributed at the Annual Meeting. Below you will find various ways to send your documents. Choose from one of the following:
1. Mail to:
2. Stop by. Visit any one of our branches.
3. Please submit your signed application by email to Marketing@ukrfcu.com.
4. Email. Any questions concerning the nomination process may be addressed by email to Marketing@ukrfcu.com.
Click Here to download the Nomination Package.
The Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union would like to formally invite all members to the Annual Meeting which will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 3:00 PM. More details to follow.
UKRFCU Annual Reports give further insight into our financial condition as well as provide information about community involvement, success, performance, and continued growth compared to the previous year. Our Annual Report is made available every year in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. Below you will find key performance indicators. To view our Annual Reports, please click here.
If you have any questions, please call us at 215-725-4430.