Things to Do Outdoors Over Memorial Day Weekend

family walking outdoors

Avoid crowds while getting some fresh air over the holiday weekend.

If you’re looking for some Memorial Day weekend things to do other than go to the Jersey Shore, here are some suggestions. I’m sure this going without saying — right?! — but be sure to adhere to all current COVID-19 guidelines while you’re out having fun.

Go Hiking

If you don’t have access to a car and you live in the city, going for a hike can, of course, be tricky. I’ve heard plenty of complaints and seen plenty of photos of overcrowded hiking and walking trails in Philly.

We took a ride to Heinz the other day and turned around once we saw the huge crowd at the park. No thanks — coronavirus or no coronavirus. So, basically, if you want to go hiking in Philly proper over Memorial Day Weekend, it’s the luck of the draw.

Go Fishing

You may have heard about the country’s food supply chain problems. Now might be a great time to rediscover the art of catching your own food. We’re still enjoying the venison from my son’s deer hunt last October at Heinz Wildlife Refuge. But since hunting may be a bit too much for you, I suggest fishing.

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