Why You Should Attend our Annual Meeting

Audience applauding at annual meeting

So often we hear, “Why should I attend the Annual Meeting?” If you are a member of UKRFCU, every year you receive an invitation to attend our Annual Meeting. But maybe you’ve never attended it. Perhaps it’s the name that sounds uninteresting, doesn’t pertain to you, or believe it does not impact you. However, once you learn more about it, you’ll want to attend our next Annual Meeting.

When you or your parents opened an account at UKRFCU, you became an owner. Your deposit represents a share of ownership. Attending an Annual Meeting is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a member and it is one of the reasons how we differ from banks.

  1. Members elect the volunteer Board of Directors whose responsibility is to set our goals, vision, and direction while ensuring it is in the best interest of our members.
  2. Members learn about our financial information as well as information about community involvement, success, performance, and continued growth from the prior year and learn more about the strategy and effort that will be followed for the current year.
  3. Members have the opportunity to ask questions, voice their opinions, and learn how they can get involved in making UKRFCU a better place.
  4. Members have a chance to meet UKRFCU’s Board of Directors, Management Team, and staff.
  5. Members pick up an Annual Report that provides further insight about the credit union and beneficial information about each of our departments.
  6. Members hear a Guest Speaker. Our goal is to provide you with educational resources in addition to higher savings rates and lower loan rates. That’s why we invite various Guest Speakers to our Annual Meetings.
  7. Members receive a free gift for attending out meeting.

Remember, we exist to service the needs of our membership. In alignment with the ‘people-first’ or ‘people-not-profit’ philosophy of credit unions, UKRFCU earnings go back to the membership in the form of higher interest on deposits, lower rates on loans, fewer and lower fees, and community support. Our mission is to provide our members with financial support, guidance, education, and great products and services. It’s the little things that make a big impact on our lives and the lives of our members.

Loyalty has been the contributing factor to our steady growth and success. Our members know that they can count on us to serve their needs, and knowing they can rely on us, has helped to ensure the loyalty of our members. Our expertise and your commitment have made us the preferred choice over the years,” states President, Mary Kolodij, in the 2016 Annual Report. (p. 4)

This is the fundamental difference between a credit union and a bank, and what makes us a community! We encourage you to attend our Annual Meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM at the Ukrainian Educational & Cultural Center located at 700 N. Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046. For more information about our Annual Meeting, please click here.