Black Friday Shopping Plan

happy couple shopping during cold fall

It’s almost here – the day we gather together…for Thanksgiving? No, we’re not talking about Thanksgiving. The day we gather together to go shopping on Black Friday! However, this isn’t just another day to go shopping. Black Friday shoppers must have a plan and come prepared. Follow these tips to make sure you get the best out of your Black Friday shopping:

  1. Create a budget – Don’t get too caught up in the excitement and deals of the day. Make sure you set a budget BEFORE you start shopping and use only what you have set aside. Make sure to use your UKRFCU Mobile Banking app to stay on track. If necessary, you can transfer funds between accounts. Also, don’t forget there are three weeks left until Christmas and many more deals will be offered.
  2. Create a list of stores you want to visit – Prioritize the stores you need to visit. Think to yourself: What items do I need and at which store can I buy them at? Don’t forget you can visit one store to get all of your shopping in. Avoid other items since this will result in impulse buying.
  3. Come prepared – Before heading out to the store, make sure you bring the coupons that have been stacking up on your kitchen table, extra cash, and your debit and credit cards. To find an ATM near you, click here.
  4. Use your Digital Wallet – Our debit and credit cards are available on Digital Wallet. Add your cards onto your smart phone and pay on the go. Simplify the way you pay by bringing your cards together into a secure digital wallet.
  5. Manage your money on your mobile appMoney Management is a service in Online Banking that provides a visualization of spending over time. Know your finances, track your budget, and watch your spending in Online Banking or on your mobile app.
  6. UKRFCU VISA® Credit Cards – Get rewarded for using your VISA® credit card this holiday season. Whether it’s buying presents to fill under the tree or celebrating New Year’s Eve away from home, get rewarded for whichever way you spend the holiday season. Remember more about our VISA® credit cards by clicking here.
  7. Never forget about needs v. wants – This. This. This. Do you really need this item or is it simply a want? If you can answer this question with “I don’t need it to survive,” then it is a want. This is so important during the holidays because we lose focus while shopping. Always have this in the back of your mind.
  8. Cyber Monday is coming up – Remember you can always do all of your shopping online on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Take advantage of online offers and do all of your shopping online without leaving the house.
  9. Use caution and be vigilant – While consumers are looking for the best deals during the holidays, cyber criminals see billions of dollars’ worth of possibilities to commit credit card fraud, hack into your bank or credit union account, steal your identity, and so much more. Stay safe this holiday season by following these 25 tips.
  10. Watch out for the price hike – Some retailers might spike up their prices much higher than usual on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Be alert and don’t become a victim of spending too much on an item.
  11. Don’t forget the gift receipt – Gift receipts are always a good idea. You may think this is a great present for a family member, but your family member might think otherwise. Gift receipts are convenient and make the returning process much easier.
  12. Mobile apps are your friends – Sometimes we don’t realize how mobile apps can help us save. Apps such as ShopSavvy, ShopKick, BuyVia or Shopular allow you to scan bar codes to compare all the best prices online and locally. Tools like Google Shopping, Shopzilla, or PriceGrabber search by product when shopping online. Also, Facebook and Instagram. Didn’t think social media can help you save? Think again. Retailers reward customers for ‘likes’ and ‘follows’. They also post specials, coupons, and deals coming up.