Raising Awareness About the 2020 Census
Completing the 2020 Census is easy, secure, and important. The future of cities, towns, and states across the country depends on everyone raising awareness and encouraging people to respond to the census.
It’s not too late to respond
This once-a-decade population count of everyone who lives in the United States is mandated by the U.S. Constitution, and everyone is required to participate. Responses from the census help determine how federal funds are allocated for critical public services and programs in communities around the country for the next 10 years. If you haven’t responded yet, respond now—online at by phone, or by mail. Respond Now.
Who you should count and where you should count them
If you are filling out the 2020 Census for your home, you should count everyone who is living there as of April 1, 2020. This includes anyone—related or unrelated to you—who lives and sleeps at your home most of the time. Who to Count.
Census takers in your neighborhood
The Census Bureau continues to carefully monitor COVID-19 and to follow the guidance of federal, state, and local health authorities. We’ve adapted some of our operations to protect the health and safety of our staff and the public while ensuring that we get a complete and accurate count of the population.
Starting July 16, census takers will begin interviewing households that have yet to respond to the 2020 Census in regions managed by the area census offices on this map. All census takers have been trained on social distancing protocols and will follow local guidelines for the use of personal protective equipment. For more information on how to verify that someone is a census taker, visit Census Takers in Your Neighborhood. Get the Facts.